October 5, 2024

Advanced 10-Week Intensive Practice Pad Group Course

Welcome to the advanced practice pad group course!

After learning most of the rudiments and patterns, now it is the time to put them in action!
During these 10 weeks you will get challenged to push your limits further than before.
Our instructor Illes Halasz has a rich background of classical percussion and extreme metal drumming and he will make sure to develop your endurance on the pad to move faster on the drum set.

The goal of the course is not only to get faster, but to master little pieces of music including rudiments and challenging rhythms and to perform them together as a marching drum group.

Advanced Course dates: Oct 5th - Dec 7th
Every Saturday at 11 AM
Instructor: Illes Halasz
Course tuition: 80.000 HUF
Location: Artist Factory Studios 1137 Budapest Pozsonyi ut 16.

Apply to this course via email here: info@imsbudapest.com